Couples Counselling

When stress and frustrations in life and within our relationships build up and we feel stuck focusing on the problem this can limit our capacity to communicate well. Solution Focused Couples Counselling invites yourself and your partner to remember and tap into your love and respect for each other by being a ‘love gardener’. You will be invited to considering the kind of relationship you wanted to create together, and the kind the partner you would like to be to best contribute to this. Rather than focusing on the problem, Solution Focused Couples Counselling invites you to consider times when the problem in your relationship was not as bad, and to go back and explore times your relationship was more how you would like it to be and what you and your partner both did to contribute to this. Reflecting on past challenges you have both endured together, what you did that contributed to moving through in a helpful way and what your partner did during this time that helped you feel supported that you appreciated can remind you of your strength as a couple and what you are capable of at your best. Solution Focused Couples Counselling invites you to realise that it is not that you cannot communicate with your partner, but that with everything going on you just forgot how you used to do this more successfully.

"Be a Love Gardener."
Elliott Connie
What does a SFBT counselling session look like?
The Invictus Counselling Service provides individual and couples counselling for adults and adolescents (16 years and over) using the Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) approach. SFBT is an empowering evidence-based and trauma informed approach.
SFBT invites you to consider what you hope for, the positive difference you would like to see in your life, then walks alongside you to identify your preferred future. Exploring how you have coped with challenging experiences can identify your strength that you can continue to draw upon to endure these times. Identifying times in the past during which you felt more how you would like to feel now can provide clues to building this into your future. Thinking about the changes you would like to see in another person in your life, and the difference seeing these changes would make to you, can further shed light on possibilities moving forward. In this way, rather than leaving a session with an expanded version of the problem, you can leave with hope to move towards the life you wanted. The solution to a problem is more likely to be found through discussing the life you would like to be living which can inspire you to bring this about in reality.
During your counselling sessions, you can expect to:
Engage in a respectful, confidential, hopeful and empowering reflective space.
Identify how you have managed challenging experiences previously.
Describe your Preferred Future to inspire your motivation and confidence.
Be encouraged to raise any questions about the counselling process or Kerry’s background, training or approach to counselling.
Focus on what is important to you and what you want in your life.
Identify your strengths that have contributed to your past achievements.
Be empowered as the expert on your own life to make your own decisions around what is right for you, suggest improvements to your counselling experience and to end counselling support when you feel this is right for you.
Days and Hours Available:
Counselling is currently available in Midland on Wednesdays from 9am to 5pm and Saturday mornings between 9am and 12pm.
Counselling sessions are also available via telehealth - a Zoom session or telephone.
Counselling Fees:
Counselling sessions run for an hour and are currently $120. Fees are payable at the end of the session either in cash or by credit card
Invictus Counselling Service is a private counselling service and you do not require a referral from your GP to access counselling support. Medicare rebates are unavailable when accessing private counselling support. As a result, your accessing counselling support remains confidential and private between yourself and your counsellor. Paying for your own counselling support enables this to be focused on your best interests and needs alone.
COVID-19 Policy
COVID-19 Policy:
In line with Government Health Guidelines, if you are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms on the morning of your session, please let me know and we can reschedule to a phone or Zoom session instead, or to another day. Thank you for your understanding and support to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy.

Take your first step towards your Preferred Future:
I look forward to hearing what you hope to achieve from our talking together.